We’ve Moved!

I have been wanting to move to a self-hosted blog for quite some time and I have finally taken the plunge. You have no idea the appreciation I feel for my followers and  I hope we can keep in touch at http://www.everchangeproductions.co/

I will continue to post on Motivational Mondays, my progress on the documentary on how to reduce, reuse and recycle in Stillwater, and other great things happening in Oklahoma and around the world in the areas of sustainability.

Thank you for all your continued support and I hope to see you there!

About Kayla Kamp

Hello, my name is Kayla and I’m a multimedia journalism graduate working on first documentary about recycling in Stillwater, OK. I would like to show others how a little more compassion for people, the environment and animals would go a long way in the world. I am striving to shed light on this.
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2 Responses to We’ve Moved!

  1. Chrsitina says:

    YAY! So excited to see what you share at your new place. 🙂


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